Trigolion byd a drônt yn rhwydd At yr Arglwydd, pan gofiant: A holl dylwythau'r ddaiar hon Hwy ger ei fron addolant. Yr Arglwydd bïau'r deyrnas oll, Y byd a'i holl amgylchoedd; Ef mewn nerth yn unig sydd Benllywydd y cenedloedd. Y rhai'n a'u had, o bryd i bryd, A ddont i'w gyd-wasanaeth; A hwy i'r Arglwydd, drwy'r holl dir A rifir yn genedlaeth.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 [Mesur: MS 8787]
gwelir: |
The world's inhabitants will turn freely To the Lord, when they remember: And all the tribes of this earth They before him will worship. The Lord owns all the kingdom, The world and all is surroundings; He in strength alone is Chief governor of the nations. Those and their seed, from time to time, Shall come to serve him together; And they to the Lord, throughout the whole land Shall be counted as a 2015 Richard B Gillion |
27 Then shall the glad converted world to God their homage pay; And scattered nations of the earth one sov'reign Lord obey. 28 'Tis his supreme prerogative o'er subject kings to reign; 'Tis just that he should rule the world, who does the world sustain. 30 Then shall a chosen spotless race, devoted to his Name, 31 To their admiring heirs his truth and glorious acts proclaim.N Tate & N Brady A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696